Kamis, 21 Juli 2011


Zulaihah(1), L. Widajanti(2)


Background: Fish contain of high protein, EPA, DHA needed for the formation of brain cell and improving intelligence. Consuming fish and other sea food make healthy and improve the brain ability to reach optimum study achievement. In 2003, fish consumption in Indonesia is still low 24,67kg/capita/year. Based on BPS 2002, fish consumption in Semarang is 5,38%. The fish consumption has a big influence on nutrition sufficiency especially EPA and DHA, nutrition status and attaining healthy and smart Indonesian human resources.
Goal: To analyze the relationship between fish meal frequency, fish EPA and DHA recommended and nutrition status with student's study achievement.
Method: The research used survey method, analytical research, and cross -sectional time approach. This research was conducted on September-October 2004. Sample was 100 subject of SD Taqwiyatui Wathon (grade IV are 54 person, grade V are 46 person) by using Stratified Random Sampling method. The data preparation used NUTRISOFT.
Result: Fish frequently consumed by responden was bandeng (Chanos chanos) 5%, tongkol (Euthynnus allitteratus rafmescue) 4%, kembung (Scomber kanoguria russei) 1% and mujair (Tilapia mossambica) 1 %. EPA, DHA % RDA defisit 62%, normal nutritional status 93% and average category of study achievement 55%. There was relation between fish meal frequency and fish EPA, DHA % RDA (ρ=0,000), there was no relation between fish meal frequency and nutritional status (ρ=0,213), there was relation between fish meal frequency and study achievement (ρ=0,000), there was relation between fish EPA, DHA recommendation and study achievement (ρ=0,000), and there was no relation between nutrition status and study achievement (ρ=0.378). Based on Pearson correlation test, there was no relation between fish EPA, DHA recommendation and nutritional status (ρ=0,000).
Conclution: Students with frequent fish consumption and high RDA of EPA, DHA % RDA showed better study achievement.

Keywords: Omega 3, EPA. DHA, nutritional status, study archivement, student

1.     Alumnus Prodi S1 Ilmu Gizi, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Diponegoro.
2.     Bagian Gizi Kesehatan Masyarakat, Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat/Magister Gizi Masyarakat Universitas Diponegoro.